2012年11月30日 星期五

Stumbling block

The word “stumbling block” appears on my mind recently....for no particular reasons...just out of the blue.  In fact, it bears a special meaning to me…. something that dates back long long time ago .... these two words appeared in the very first love letter I received ….a letter from ex-Wong, before we even started…….

I still remember vividly…..it was my first year in University, and I found this letter in my dorm’s mail box one morning.  I read it in the short bus ride to class, and it had changed my life thereafter……..(for better or for worse !)

Though the letter is no longer with me, I remember that it started off saying that he had been having this ‘stumbling block’ in his mind lately and that he couldn’t hold it in any longer and…..blah blah blah…..  As a naïve young girl, I was moved to near tears ……guess I was an easy prey then…(which still stays true until now....the naïve old woman !)

I googled the meaning of ‘stumbling block’ this morning.  It says : “something that prevents action or agreement”, “an obstacle to progress”.  I supposed everyone has somehow, at some time in life, faced obstacles that prevent them from progressing, or from reconciling with themselves.  

As the phrase implies, one needs to gather great strength to remove whatever ‘stumbling block(s)’ there is obstructing the way………

I wish I have the strength, courage and determination to do so….but seems that I need someone to give me a hand………cos the blocks are too heavy and I am but a weak person !

2 則留言:

  1. You know, this term is perhaps the most commonly-used term I found on the daily I read everyday as there are always stumbling blocks here and there for the parties concerned to reach agreement. =P

    When I was having my lunch last weekend, home alone, suddenly, a self-made phrase (in English) struck me:

    "Do what you should do. Don't do what you shouldn't".

    This may sound cliched, but strict adherence is by no means easy, if at all possible...

  2. Well, apart from "easier said than done", sometimes it's difficult to define "should" and "shouldn't" !
